Dear Chapter Members:
I was recently honored and humbled to receive the nomination for Chapter Secretary. I am writing to ask for your vote and support in the upcoming chapter elections. I believe to be the best candidate for the job. Here are some of my ideas for the chapter and some of my qualifications.
I have several ideas which I believe will benefit Chapter members individually and the Chapter as a whole.
· Institute a mentor program within the Chapter akin to the AILA Mentor Program. 43% of TX Chapter members are new members. The chapter is a great source of support to its members, but I believe it can do more.
· Encourage Chapter unity. Our chapter is quite big both in numbers and geographically. I personally practice in NM. Because of the geographical spread our Chapter tends to have certain areas isolated from the rest such as El Paso/NM which comprise a small percentage of Chapter membership. I intend to encourage fostering greater Chapter unity and collaboration so that every member from every corner of the Chapter's geographical spread has a chance to contribute to the mission of our chapter and AILA as a whole.
· Continue to provide excellent conferences. I have served on the planning committees of several conferences including the last two annual conferences. The Chapter organizes great conferences and I intend to continue that trend and provide leadership in raising the bar.
I have served in various capacities at AILA which has given me the leadership skills to be able to be an effective leader in our Chapter. I have served or am currently serving as follows:
AILA Amicus Committee Member 2009-2010
AILA Publications Committee Member 2009-2010
AILA Criminal Removal Conference Committee Member 2009-2010
AILA Publications Committee Chair 2010-2011
AILA Annual Conference Planning Committee Member 2010-2011
AILA Annual Conference Planning Committee Due Process Track Chair 2011-2012
AILA EOIR Liaison Committee Member 2011-2012
AILA I-601 Provisional Waiver Comment Team Member 2012
AILA Albuquerque ICE liaison 2010-Present.
Speaker at every AILA Annual Conference since 2009
Speaker at various other TX Chapter and other conferences
TX Chapter Spring 2012 Conference Accommodations Chair.
I was also honored by AILA National with two awards. The 2010 Jack Wasserman Award for Excellence in Litigation for my work as part of the AILA Amicus Committee and most recently I am being awarded the 2012 Joseph Minsky Young Lawyer Award at the upcoming AILA Annual Conference in Nashville, TN.
My track record speaks for itself. I have given much to AILA and want to continue to give to our Chapter just as the Chapter has given to me. For this I ask for your vote in the upcoming election.
Thank you!
Olsi Vrapi